
New Employment Laws Effective 10-1-21

October, 2021


In addition to the new employment laws previously reported, such as recreational marijuana law and the wage range disclosure law (Public Act 21-30), there are two other laws effective October 1, 2021 that impacts the workplace.

An Act Deterring Age Discrimination in Employment Applications makes a revision to the existing Connecticut Commission on Human Rights statute 46a-60 prohibiting discrimination.  This revision to the statute makes it a violation for an employer, or employer agent, to request or require an employment applicant’s age, date of birth, dates of attendance or graduation from college on the employment application form.  The only exceptions to this requirement provide that such information is a “bona fide occupational qualifications or need” or “when such information is required to comply with any provision of state or federal law.”

Public Act 21-27, An Act Concerning Breastfeeding In The Workplace makes a revision to Connecticut General Statute 31-40w under the Department of Labor.  That statute provides that an employee may, at her discretion, express breast milk or breastfeed on site at her workplace during her meal or break period in a room, other than a toilet stall.  The revisions states that without “undue hardship,” such room or other location shall be free from intrusion and shielded from the public and be situated near a refrigerator or “employee-provided portable cold storage device” where the employee can store her breast milk and include access to an electrical outlet.

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